I'm stuck with pink!

Hello there!  Welcome to my blog.

When I was growing up I was always more of a tomboy than a girlie-girl, and that started my lifelong dislike for the color pink. Don't get me wrong, adult me knows that there is nothing wrong with the color pink at all, however younger me felt like people were trying to put me in a cutesy little box that I did not belong in if they ever gave me anything pink.

Yet, here I am today, with pink ribbon things all over the place that people have given to me.

As my kids would say, "Oh how the turn tables...."

Have you or has someone you know been diagnosed with cancer? It can be an extremely challenging time, even in the life of a Christian.

I was diagnosed at the age of 39 by circumstances that had to be all God's love and grace. An overseas opportunity required that everyone in my family get a physical. Due to the poor health care in the area we were planning on moving to, and my age, my doctor recommended that I get a baseline mammogram on file while still in the states.  I told them that I would as long as my insurance would pay for it.

I will forever thank God that I took the doctor's advice. I had no symptoms and never felt anything abnormal during self exams.

I was very fortunate- I can not deny that. My cancer was caught at Stage 1 and after surgery we were able to confirm that it had not spread through any lymph nodes. I had a lumpectomy, auxiliary lymph node removal, and 20 days of radiation.

I realize that there are many people out there who have had, or are having, a much more trying time than I did. Still, I learned a lot going through my cancer. Now, a year after surgery, if I can help encourage even one person to lean heavily on God when nothing else makes sense, then that's worth it all.

Devotions are planned to come up once per week, probably on the weekend.

Thank you, and God bless each of you!


<a href="https://feedshark.brainbliss.com/">Feed Shark</a>

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