Do you believe in the God we are talking about?

If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  
Romans 10:9

The very first place I want to start is by asking you if you are a Christian. A bunch of Christian devotions are not going to be of much help to anyone who does not believe in the power of the Holy Spirit. It will just be a bunch of nice sayings. 

In Matthew 14:25-33 we see the story of Jesus- and for a time, Peter- walking on water. In verse 29 Peter is walking on the water towards Jesus. Great! But, in verse 30 Peter saw the wind and became afraid, and he began to sink. 

Would this story have ended differently if Peter had not taken his eyes, and therefore his focus, off of Jesus?

If you are a Christian, please do not let this time of heavy winds and the storm of cancer make you take your focus off of Christ. Cling closer to Him! 

When our eyes, minds, and eventually our hearts get far away from Jesus then our lives will be filled with anxiety and worry. 

Put your focus, time and attention, on the great physician himself to be with you during this time. 

If you are NOT a Christian, or you are not sure, I encourage you to read Romans 10:9-13 .  Find a trustworthy friend or church staff member if you have deeper questions. If you comment with questions here, I will try to respond. 

God bless!  


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